Relationship Love Coach
I have been a Relationship Love Coach for over 29 years.
I will support you in learning new skills and beliefs so that you can create and sustain a Marriage that makes you Smile and as the years pass your relationship gets better and better.
You will learn new ways to communicate, to
deeply listen
– and new ways to pause and mindfully approach
your Relationship.
Sometimes what you have learned in life about relationships works and often you need to learn new ways of being and skills so that your life works better.
You will experience more wonder, kindness, trust,,and love in your marriage.
You will learn how to respond versus reacting to each other.
You will be profoundly changed by deepening your understanding of yourself and your motivations.
You will learn about your triggers and reactions that have been getting in the way of your being intimate, kind, and open with your partner.
You will learn to see the patterns of your thinking and what you believe that keeps you stuck repeating self -defeating patterns over-and over again in your relationship.
You will learn skills and ways of being that no one ever taught you.
You will learn how your family-of-origin has influenced how you show up in your relationship.
You will learn how to love each other more and to have compassion for yourself and your partner.
I have a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Science – I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, and have worked with Relationship Life Therapy, Vispassina Meditation, Nonviolent Communication, Meditation and so much more.